King County PIC Priority Actions for OSS Management and Puget Sound
Water Quality Improvements
SFSIL NpRFP2022_King
King County proposes to expand pollution identification and correction (PIC) and onsite sewage system (OSS) management in Poverty Bay SPD and VMI, which have high risk of fecal pollution impact on Puget Sound water quality and high potential to maintain and upgrade harvestable shellfish beds. The primary objectives are to: Expand source tracking and pollution identification to high impact areas not yet surveyed in Massey Creek sub-basin and areas on VMI; Continue freshwater monitoring in Poverty Bay SPD to support long-term water quality management and upgrades to harvesting areas; Reach new audiences - property owners on sewer and inland Vashon residents, providing financial and technical assistance for inspections and repairs; Strengthen partnerships with community-based organizations (CBOs) that serve disadvantaged communities; Improve OSS inspection enforcement and prepare for sea level rise impacts by expanding marine recovery area (MRA) to all of VMI; We aim to maintain and potentially upgrade 84 acres of conditionally approved growing areas in Poverty Bay, upgrade 170 prohibited acres along VMI shorelines, and prevent pollution that could threaten downgrades to the 3,662 acres of approved areas along VMI.